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1510 North Argonne Road
Spokane Valley, WA, 99212
United States


Naturopathic Medicine in Spokane Valley, WA specializing in discovering the root cause of your chronic symptoms.  We utilize environmental medicine protocols and holistic treatments to treat chronic symptoms and autoimmune diseases.  


Dr. Julie George aims to provide you with knowledge to take control of your life.  Our blog provides information for you to become informed, aware, and able to make confident decisions.  


Got to Go

DrJulie George


Summertime is the perfect time to travel near and far.  Here in the Inland Northwest people tend to spend a lot of time at the lakes, going camping, and touring the Oregon Coast. In Spokane, we are so close to so many spectacular sites to see.  There is so much fun and excitement putting a trip together, planning the itinerary and heading out with our packed bags.   We often don't think about our "Got to Go" moments until it is too late.  So many people get diarrhea and/or constipation while traveling.  The causes vary but often are from nervousness, change in routine, climate changes, different diets, dehydration, overindulging and even pathogens.  If you believe you have been infected with a pathogen or foodborne illness seek urgent care.  Being prepared with some natural therapies while traveling can help you prevent and/or manage GI distress.  

Lifestyle Habits 

Stay Hydrated - The average person requires 1/2 of their body weight in ounces of water each day (150lbs=75oz of water).  Remember that activity, heat, dry climate and alcohol consumption requires more water.  We like to take along Jigsaw Electrolytes Packets to help us replenish all of the electrolytes we lost to stay well hydrated.                                                                                                                                                                                         

Eat Nutritiously  - Check out some healthy restaurant cuisine on your trip.  Always include veggies with each meal and a serving of fruit per day.  Don't forget to add the salad.  Roadtripping is no excuse to swing by the golden arches.  Plan your meals and bring a cooler.  Camping?  No problem bring organic bagged greens or frozen veggies to add to your dishes.  Fiber-rich foods are required.  This is not the time to overindulge in heavy foods.  Traveling does not give you permission to eat gluten or your other food sensitivities. You will thank yourself for staying on your plan.                                                                                                                                                                     

Movement - Find activities to keep you active.  Even if you are road tripping to your destination stop and walk around the car, find something to see along the way, and park at the furthest pump.  Just MOVE!                                                                                                                                                                                                     

Relaxation - We often fill our itineraries with all of the sightseeing, visiting, shopping, etc that we forget that its a vacation and we should relax.  Take some time for yourself and breathe.  We must get quality sleep so enjoy that hotel room you paid for.


Natural Therapies for GI Distress

Microbiome Labs MEGASporeBiotic - We have bacteria living within our GI system that regulates our immune system and GI health.  When the bad bacteria and yeast overpower the good bacteria we are prone to infections, allergies, inflammation, GI distress, mood imbalances, and lower energy.  MEGASporeBiotic is designed to balance the bad bacteria and yeast.  They have designed this probiotic to survive the stomach acid, therefore, it is far superior to the competition.  It is the only shelf-stable probiotic I endorse, meaning it is safe to throw in your suitcase.  Available through our office

Enzyme Science Critical Digestion - 95 million Americans report GI distress.  When traveling we do not want gas, bloating, abdominal pain, food intolerances, constipation and diarrhea getting in the way of our plans.  We often do not know what is in the foods when we are eating at a restaurant.  Thus I recommend enzymes with each meal to help break down the fats, carbohydrates, and proteins.  

Jigsaw MagSRT - Magnesium is often deficient in the population.  Magnesium helps with constipation.  I like to travel with MagSRT because of the time release technology.

Homeopathic Nux Vomica - If you couldn't resist and overindulge on eating and drinking at dinner, then try homeopathy.  It is small enough to carry in your pocket.  Do not take with coffee or mint.  Homeopathy is best taken away from food and drinks.  

Ginger Tea - If you tend to feel nauseous or queasy try sipping on some hot ginger tea.  Easy to pack a few tea bags.  

For your convenience, you can order supplements through our online store  --10% off all orders.  All orders are direct from company to  Fullscript warehouse where they are properly stored and shipped directly to you.  

Naturopathic Medical Appointments

It is very important to have regular bowel movements each day.  If you do not have regular bowel movements then we encourage you to schedule an appointment.  We can test you for Leaky Gut and Food Sensitivities and design unique treatment plans.  GI health is important to your overall well-being, immune system, mood, and ability to detoxify.  

Disclaimer: This is for informational purposes.  We are not diagnosing or treating your medical condition.  If you have medical concerns please contact your primary care physician.